

Monday, November 2, 2009

aNothEr SurvEy ciLok FrOm FatiN XDD


Who are you liking?
ikuto again??? or someone else???

Who is your best friend?
fatin(tein) + ain(ion)

Who makes you happy?
my friends n idk

Who is your favorite family member on your moms side?
my 'lil bro n sis'.... they r my cousin lol

Who is your favorite family member on your dads side?

Who are you closest to?

Who do you tell your secrets to?
to Him n sometimes my 2nd sis...

Who were you with last night?
family laaa

Who do you live with?
family laaa


What's your full name?
Nur Hazirah bt Mohd Razip..

What's your birthdate?
26 september 1994

What's your favorte color?
black + pink + wat ever dat suit me..

What's your favorite sport?
congkak tu sport kee???

What's your favorite number?
nonee?? x nk berat sbelahhh

What do you do in your spare time?
drawing, reading, watever i wanna duuu...

What are your pets names?
cici n ciko (died alreadyy..)

What's your favorite song?
too many...

What's your favorite T.V. show?

What's your favorite movie?
alvin n chipmunk n bla n blaa

What vehicles do your parents drive?
mom + dad =car dad =motor??


Where were you on your last birthday?

Where do you live?
Seksyen 7, bbb

Where do you want to live?
where ever...

Where was your last vacation to?
haaaaa??? x igt

Where did you go in a car last?
haaa??? x igt

Where do your grandparents live?
kampung la!

Where do you want to go to college?
i wanna try it out XDD

Where is your heart?
take by cupid kaaa???


When did/will you graduate?
2011-graduate from secondary school ;p

When do you want to get married?
holaaaa... if i still alive

When are you happy?
im happy right now :D

When did you cry last?

When are you moving next?
i dont kow

When did you last get a text?
2 days agoo

When are you going to bed?

When is the last time you took a vitamin?


Why do you think you were born?
bcause itz my fate to born to the earth...

Why is Britney Spears so messed up?
ahaha..go and ask her

Why are you stressed?
about emotion world n my life *strunggle

Why is MySpace so addictive?
bcause they r death stupid too make a relationship

Why do clowns scare people?
im not scared.. so idk

Why are you bored?
there's nothing to do la

Why is Tom Cruise so wierd?
who tom cruise?? *joke

Why are you taking this survey?

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