

Monday, November 9, 2009

100 QuEstiOn aBoUt mE!!! [blom edit]

ambik dri sureya/nutz DA jurnal... haha...

1] What is your pen name?
nme pen aq ke??? haha... aq ske nme darldNife n nme aq sendiri...
kengkwn aq pggl aq mcm laa:zie/ziezie/hazirah/nenek???/pinky???

2]Where does your nickname came from?
darldNife.... i create it! yg lelain tuu ntahla...

3] Do you use PC or Mac?
i use PC ...

4] What software you use most often?
errr... i don't use softwares... i dunt have any.. haha

5] Do you use mouse, or tablet?
mouse... i want tablet!!!

6] The color you use most often is?
mostly my artz r in black & white... n sometimes colored with color pencil..

7] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?

8] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
ikut suke ati aq laa... as fast as i could..

9] Do you keep your rough drafts?

10] What kind of font do you use most often?

11] What's the dpi when you scan?

12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
listen 2 music...

13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
depends on my mood...

14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
any paper dat can be use!

15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
cincai je...

16] How long does it take to ink something?
depends on the pic laa...

17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?
hahaa... dlm mimpi jelaa...

18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
wat is doujinshi neway??

19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?
err no? bbk tu dikire ke??

20] Did it get published?

21] Who are your favorite artists?
motomi kyousuke... obata yuuki... kaoru... ben... juice.... n the awesome one..

22] What's your favourite Anime/Manga?
byk sgt laa...

23] Favourite Character?
ikuto.. yoite.. lelouch.. len... n blablabla... byk laa..

24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
sumer artis yg terer kat muke bmi nie!!

25] Do you buy books a lot?
ttoooo a lotttt~

26] Did you ever buy a book to inspire you to draw?
i buy comics/magazines 2 inspire me in drawing...

27] Any video games you enjoy?
err... i don't play video games... er.. sally spa dikire ke??

28] Any favourite characters from video games?
errr... do i know any video game charas...?

29] Do you have a favourite writer?
hlovate.. syud... stephanie meyer?? darren shan... naa?

30] Any books you really enjoy?
harry potter... darren shan...

31] Do you write fanfics?

32] Any music that you often listen to while drawing?
i listen 2 anything dat suit my ear...

33] Any recommended songs?
breakdown by seether?? fireflies by owl city???

34] Any websites that you totally admire?
deviantart ofcoz...

35] Do you have any sites you want to go everyday?
im totally lazy!! but blogie is ukie...

36] What is your dream site like?
lots of pretty drawings n comics...

37] Do you like your own art?
odcoz i do... but i'm always unsatisfird with 'em...

38] What do you enjoy watching on TV?
haha enggak taulaa...

39] Favourite celebrity?

40] Favourite color?
pink with black stripe, white is accepted!

41] Favourite food?
ape2 je yg aq ske...

42] Favourite drink?

43] Any places you like to shop at?
anywhere that sells a lot of comics & animes...

44] Can you cook?
a liltle...

45] Any programs you use often for email? Any electronic pets?
yahoo... nope...

46] Are you a computer expert?
nope... me computer baka...

47] Want to become a professional artist?
ofcoz... it's the dream of a lifetime...!!!!!

48] Any other jobs you're interested in, besides an illustrator?
well... i did want 2 b a fashion designer or sell cakez XDD

49] Any other specialities besides drawing?

50] Do you like to watch movies?

51] What's your favourite movie?
journey to the center of the earth... twilight... blablabla...

52] Have you ever entered art contests?
yep 2-3 timez je..

53] When did you start drawing seriously?
in highskool... after seeing many awesome art in DA XDDD

54] Anything that you often use as a reference when you draw?
i refer 2 a lot of comics n ppl art...

55] Have you met any of your fans online?
i have fans??

56] You have a lot of pen pals?
not really...

57] You have a lot of friends that draws?
in DA yep! in real life too liltle can count lol

58] What time do you usually go online?
whenever i want...

59] Do you like to go to chat rooms?

60] Do you have your own computer?
nope... bakal la kowtt...

61] What would you say to the person you admire?
just smiling like org gilak!

62] Do you think of things when you draw?

63] Have you drawn bad because you think too much?
yup... sometimes lol

64] Do you have any friends who are professionals?
yes... a number of 'em... ^^

65] Where do you often hang out?
haha idk??

66] Do you have any artists that you don't like too much?
nope kowt...

67] Situations in which you really don't like being online?
the internet stuck...

68] Situations in which you hate when it comes to having websites?

69] Something that makes you really glad that the internet exists?
when i meet a lot of people out there...

70] What about things that make you NOT glad that the internet exists?
when people r rude 2 me...

71]What's the first picture you've ever shown to the public online?
err in myspace..?

72] Do you still have that?
73] Has your drawing style changed a lot?
by the minute... i'm changing all the time...

74] How does it usually change?
it's comes naturally i guess... the more i draw the more i improve & change all the time...

75] Have you experienced artists block before?
yea... lots of times... & i hate it...!!!!!

76] How did you escape from it?
relax... stop drawing 4 a while...

77] What happens when you have artists block?
i sleep... watch animes...

78] Any artists that have influenced you a lot?
naoko takeuchi... she was my 1st sensei...

79] What made you start drawing?
i dunno... i juz like 2 draw since i was a lil' girl...

80] What made you want to get a website?
i want 2 share my arts with the people out there... but i don't have 1 though...

81] Where did your site name come from?
i don't have a webbie...

82] What do you think about net manners?
i don't like rude people...

83] Have you ever been spammed?
who hasn't...

84] Ever thought about quitting your webpage?

85] If so, why?

86] About how much KB is each picture?
i dunno... it varies i guess...

87] When creating your site, do you use a program or pure html?
i don't realy understand this question...

88] Do you have good eyesite?
i have terrible sight... my glasses have almost 500 power in the lefft eye... & 400 in right...

89] If you can get any person's autograph, who's would you get?
i don't realy collect autographs... but if i could get naoko sensei's autograph... i'd die & go 2 heaven...

90] What would you say to that artist when he/she autographs for you?
errr... thanx...?

91] Do you have fans of your art?
hmmm... i guess i do...

92] Do you like to draw on oekaki bbs?
errr... what's that...?

93] Are you good at art in school?
i was often scolded by my art teacher...

94] Did you take art lesson other than from school?
i only learned art until the age of 15... after that it's self taught...

95] Have you drawn a manga?
yes... but i only do short mangas 4 now...

96] What's your favourite phrase/quote?

97] Do you think your personality is different externally and internally?
i dunno... i think everyone has something that they want 2 hide from other people...

98] What's your goal now?
b more active in the comic scene now that i'm done with my studies...

99] What do you have to say to yourself?
nut'z... u gotta work harder...!!!!

100] Lastly, what do you have to say to everyone?
thanx 4 da support... !!!!!

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