alhamdulillah... aq dpt straight A's! XDDD
aq dgr semua bdk kls dedi ngan din dpt smua A.. tpi x taula..
menggeletar tgn aq time nk call bpak ngan mak aq... huhu..
mlm nie ayah aq kte nk blanja mkn... hehe >0<
mak aq lak kte nk blikan aq ssuatu.. sme ade tabby atau kamus elektronik..
tpi tentulah aq pilih tabby!!!! XDDD
neway congratez to all 2009 pmr candidate XD
PMR RESULT list...
fatin,biela,latun,afiah,intan,alina,zaidatul,aliya,nfs,asilah,adli,danial,ipin, tu jerla yg aq igt.. rmi lgi.. kn ader 176?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
tHanKiEz~! XDDD
Sunday, December 13, 2009
hIDup hOliDay~! XP
haha title dier mmg sakai...
cuti skula dh nk abis x smpi sbulan pon..huhu aq kalo bley nk cti slamenyer tpi borongla plak.. sejak cuti nie habit lme dh dtg blik.. tetiap ari aq mesti tido lwt (tpi x bley challenge fatin la) slagi jam blom tunjuk pkol 12 ke atas jgn harap la aq nk tido XD smpi mak aq pon kte aq nie bley gantikn burung antu.. (hailah) neway x lme lgi nk pgi mid hoho first time la aq pgi.. skarg nie aq mmg anak yg rajin la (hek puji diri ka?) btol ape!!?? aq kms rumah tetiap ari.. pagi bute lgi aq dh menyapu menyampah kat bwh.. haha.. tpi kdg2 tu mls sooo smbg la tido.. adik aq nie lagi la.. bontot berat sgt nk tlg kms pon ssh... heh mentg2 la ayah ku tu ade kat sbah tgh panjat gnung ske ati dier je nk jdik mem-besar kat umah.. tgkla nnti aq debik diorg!
the end?
cuti skula dh nk abis x smpi sbulan pon..huhu aq kalo bley nk cti slamenyer tpi borongla plak.. sejak cuti nie habit lme dh dtg blik.. tetiap ari aq mesti tido lwt (tpi x bley challenge fatin la) slagi jam blom tunjuk pkol 12 ke atas jgn harap la aq nk tido XD smpi mak aq pon kte aq nie bley gantikn burung antu.. (hailah) neway x lme lgi nk pgi mid hoho first time la aq pgi.. skarg nie aq mmg anak yg rajin la (hek puji diri ka?) btol ape!!?? aq kms rumah tetiap ari.. pagi bute lgi aq dh menyapu menyampah kat bwh.. haha.. tpi kdg2 tu mls sooo smbg la tido.. adik aq nie lagi la.. bontot berat sgt nk tlg kms pon ssh... heh mentg2 la ayah ku tu ade kat sbah tgh panjat gnung ske ati dier je nk jdik mem-besar kat umah.. tgkla nnti aq debik diorg!
the end?
Friday, December 4, 2009
tEgaMi BacHi: GaUcHe SuedE
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Huhuhuuu... T_T
hari nie rambut aq yg panjg dh kene potong laaaa...
(mentang2 la skarang musim potong-potong ceh)
smalam kpaler mmg sakit giler rse cam nk tembak jer ngan peluru gajah
rutin harian mcm biaser je nothing special laa
tdi pegi pustaka rakyat bli bku add math ngan sej haha
mcm la aq nk bce huhuuuuu
the end
(boring giler...)
(mentang2 la skarang musim potong-potong ceh)
smalam kpaler mmg sakit giler rse cam nk tembak jer ngan peluru gajah
rutin harian mcm biaser je nothing special laa
tdi pegi pustaka rakyat bli bku add math ngan sej haha
mcm la aq nk bce huhuuuuu
the end
(boring giler...)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
100% gEmPak stArz
YEAHHH!!! smalam mmg syok abes XDD
first time aq pgi gempakstarz nyer event XDDD
mmg totally giler!! aq bertolak ngan kiema+kakak dier pkol 9 lebih... kitorg pgi naik kete api/monoril (aq x reti nk beza kan la lol) mmg terseksa giler... rmi sgt.. slalunyer tgk kat dlm tv jerr... skali dh rase mmg dahsyat laa... x sanggup aq nk naik lgi... dhlaa kene bdiri dri awal smpii akhir... pastu lak ki2rg benti kat kl sentral... jumper ngan someone who will lead the way... aq x knl... nme dier aq x igt (adeke patut!! XDD) so just called him N-bro laa..
pas2 ki2rg amik lgi train.. kemaner?? jgnla tanyer.. aq naik n follow jerla... XP mmg mencabar la jugak perjlnn tuu haahahaa.. xpee tmbh pengalaman... first time tuhh!! kendian kene jalan la plak.. ki2rg smpi lewat skit.. mende tu start plo 10 stengan.. tpi ki2rg smpi pkol 11 lebih.. mmg trujer yg amat tuu... senyum pon ala2 org x siuman pon aderXP.. ttiber time ki2rg tgh syok2 mengusha ade la plak org nie nk interview lol ki2rg maybe kuar tv tpi kat animax jerlaa.. sakai giler.. org blom byk lagi time tuu.. sinngah MacD jap mkn untuk lunch... borak2 laa... kiem n her sis asyik usha-ing org cute jer.. (aq mmg x paam)...
pas2lak visit2 laa kdi2 kat sgi$ niee.. mangai btol byk giler kdii cd.. kiem bli la cd.. aq mls laa.. tpi nyesal x bli cd atashinchi no danshi tu.. huhu..
singgah time square jap.. aq ngan kiem masuk kdi i-sock!! mmg gilerlaaa!! bju dier erghh *pengsan deathly hontonie jibunliee awesome XDD
dlm pkol 4 ptah blik nk pgi sesi autograph... batak sengal.. ade limit la plak.. apehal.. aq ngan kiem 2nggu separuh mati kat situ.. "sori.. sile dtg blik pkol 6.15 yek".. WTF!! nak x nk blah laa.. aq ngan kiem pgi usha lak kartunis laen... (her sis n dat abg 2nggu kat macD lol) tpika aq rse cam org giler jer pi usha2 kartunis nie... argh!!! x mau igt udah.. bapak aq mmg marah laa... aq blik rmh smpi pkol 8 lbih.. tkilan aq x sempat solat isyak... gomenasai... bkn sengaja.. mmg x sempat.. aq takut so trus tido jerlaa.. bru pkol 9 heh... mmg sakit giler badan aq.. olalala
kartunis yg aq nmpk >0<
yg laen aq x brape knl laaa
mmg sedeyh x dpat amik gmbr ngan diorg hhuuhuu T_T
taun dpn nk pgi lgi ke x?? aq serik laa.. tpi nk pgi lagi!!!


----> amik gmbr ngan cosplay naruto tuh!!! giler best!! XDD

----> aq ngan coffee ke tea aq x tau ^^"

----> kiem ngan ??? jgn tanyerlaa

----> aq ngan tamaki suoh... lwak giler tamaki tuu

----> kiem + tamaki suoh from OHSHC

----> smile laa sumer XDD

----> bju blang2 tu kutu... dier mmg cmey XDD

----> aq nmpk Sis Xan XDD

----> zint nmpk tua sgt lol

----> gue ngan Zuan aka Apoh [WOIT... JAUH SKITLAAAA!!]

----> kiema ngan zuan [COOL!!!]



----> COSPLAY =3

----> coffee n tea [comic fiesta]


----> nie KEITH!!

----> the one who lead the way, N-bro with Kiemchan!!

----> aq bli brg skit jee... ade discount tpi aq x tau laa nk bli aper lol
first time aq pgi gempakstarz nyer event XDDD
mmg totally giler!! aq bertolak ngan kiema+kakak dier pkol 9 lebih... kitorg pgi naik kete api/monoril (aq x reti nk beza kan la lol) mmg terseksa giler... rmi sgt.. slalunyer tgk kat dlm tv jerr... skali dh rase mmg dahsyat laa... x sanggup aq nk naik lgi... dhlaa kene bdiri dri awal smpii akhir... pastu lak ki2rg benti kat kl sentral... jumper ngan someone who will lead the way... aq x knl... nme dier aq x igt (adeke patut!! XDD) so just called him N-bro laa..
pas2 ki2rg amik lgi train.. kemaner?? jgnla tanyer.. aq naik n follow jerla... XP mmg mencabar la jugak perjlnn tuu haahahaa.. xpee tmbh pengalaman... first time tuhh!! kendian kene jalan la plak.. ki2rg smpi lewat skit.. mende tu start plo 10 stengan.. tpi ki2rg smpi pkol 11 lebih.. mmg trujer yg amat tuu... senyum pon ala2 org x siuman pon aderXP.. ttiber time ki2rg tgh syok2 mengusha ade la plak org nie nk interview lol ki2rg maybe kuar tv tpi kat animax jerlaa.. sakai giler.. org blom byk lagi time tuu.. sinngah MacD jap mkn untuk lunch... borak2 laa... kiem n her sis asyik usha-ing org cute jer.. (aq mmg x paam)...
pas2lak visit2 laa kdi2 kat sgi$ niee.. mangai btol byk giler kdii cd.. kiem bli la cd.. aq mls laa.. tpi nyesal x bli cd atashinchi no danshi tu.. huhu..
singgah time square jap.. aq ngan kiem masuk kdi i-sock!! mmg gilerlaaa!! bju dier erghh *pengsan deathly hontonie jibunliee awesome XDD
dlm pkol 4 ptah blik nk pgi sesi autograph... batak sengal.. ade limit la plak.. apehal.. aq ngan kiem 2nggu separuh mati kat situ.. "sori.. sile dtg blik pkol 6.15 yek".. WTF!! nak x nk blah laa.. aq ngan kiem pgi usha lak kartunis laen... (her sis n dat abg 2nggu kat macD lol) tpika aq rse cam org giler jer pi usha2 kartunis nie... argh!!! x mau igt udah.. bapak aq mmg marah laa... aq blik rmh smpi pkol 8 lbih.. tkilan aq x sempat solat isyak... gomenasai... bkn sengaja.. mmg x sempat.. aq takut so trus tido jerlaa.. bru pkol 9 heh... mmg sakit giler badan aq.. olalala
kartunis yg aq nmpk >0<
yg laen aq x brape knl laaa
mmg sedeyh x dpat amik gmbr ngan diorg hhuuhuu T_T
taun dpn nk pgi lgi ke x?? aq serik laa.. tpi nk pgi lagi!!!
----> amik gmbr ngan cosplay naruto tuh!!! giler best!! XDD
----> aq ngan coffee ke tea aq x tau ^^"
----> kiem ngan ??? jgn tanyerlaa
----> aq ngan tamaki suoh... lwak giler tamaki tuu
----> kiem + tamaki suoh from OHSHC
----> smile laa sumer XDD
----> bju blang2 tu kutu... dier mmg cmey XDD
----> aq nmpk Sis Xan XDD
----> zint nmpk tua sgt lol
----> gue ngan Zuan aka Apoh [WOIT... JAUH SKITLAAAA!!]
----> kiema ngan zuan [COOL!!!]
----> COSPLAY =3
----> coffee n tea [comic fiesta]
----> nie KEITH!!
----> the one who lead the way, N-bro with Kiemchan!!
----> aq bli brg skit jee... ade discount tpi aq x tau laa nk bli aper lol
Monday, November 16, 2009
jEsS fOrM 3 XDD mEmOiR
----> 3 DEDIKASI 2009
up(from left):zharif,shafiq,imran,fauzan,ashraf rais,mukhriz,adli,akmal,ashraf ridza,nizar,shazwan
middle(from left):ju,sabrina,intan,fatihah ahmad,afiah,amira,shazrena,visha,nadhirah,fatihah,atiqah,nabilah,najwa zamri,najwa shaza
sit(from left):qayyum,ponraj,faris,ariffin,danial,Zurina-sensei,hazirah,alina,latun,hanisah,fatin
mcm yg fatin ckp kls ki2rg nie agak plek skit...
ssh nk bkerjasama ala-ala wonderpet tu.. haha..
inilah kenyataan.. lol tpi sometimes bley la work up together mcm time english sketch aritu... kat kls nie ade byk group... laki n pompuan totally separate laa..
x mcm 2 din taun lps.. sensei pon byk mengomen ttg kls ki2rg nie...
ki2rg mmg plg popular la kn... hoho
this two gurl is my bestbestbest fren eva till now lol
always hang out together... bertige jee... haha XDD
bley dikatekn ki2rg nie 3 kembar x serupe
(mak aq kte muke ki2rg sepesen jee)
TO FATIN: woit! ade gmbr yg xde laa... adik aq dh delete... tpi ayah aq dh cuci.. kalo rajin nnti aq scan key???! datz all.. sayonara^^
Monday, November 9, 2009
100 QuEstiOn aBoUt mE!!! [blom edit]
ambik dri sureya/nutz DA jurnal... haha...
1] What is your pen name?
nme pen aq ke??? haha... aq ske nme darldNife n nme aq sendiri...
kengkwn aq pggl aq mcm laa:zie/ziezie/hazirah/nenek???/pinky???
2]Where does your nickname came from?
darldNife.... i create it! yg lelain tuu ntahla...
3] Do you use PC or Mac?
i use PC ...
4] What software you use most often?
errr... i don't use softwares... i dunt have any.. haha
5] Do you use mouse, or tablet?
mouse... i want tablet!!!
6] The color you use most often is?
mostly my artz r in black & white... n sometimes colored with color pencil..
7] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?
8] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
ikut suke ati aq laa... as fast as i could..
9] Do you keep your rough drafts?
10] What kind of font do you use most often?
11] What's the dpi when you scan?
12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
listen 2 music...
13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
depends on my mood...
14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
any paper dat can be use!
15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
cincai je...
16] How long does it take to ink something?
depends on the pic laa...
17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?
hahaa... dlm mimpi jelaa...
18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
wat is doujinshi neway??
19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?
err no? bbk tu dikire ke??
20] Did it get published?
21] Who are your favorite artists?
motomi kyousuke... obata yuuki... kaoru... ben... juice.... n the awesome one..
22] What's your favourite Anime/Manga?
byk sgt laa...
23] Favourite Character?
ikuto.. yoite.. lelouch.. len... n blablabla... byk laa..
24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
sumer artis yg terer kat muke bmi nie!!
25] Do you buy books a lot?
ttoooo a lotttt~
26] Did you ever buy a book to inspire you to draw?
i buy comics/magazines 2 inspire me in drawing...
27] Any video games you enjoy?
err... i don't play video games... er.. sally spa dikire ke??
28] Any favourite characters from video games?
errr... do i know any video game charas...?
29] Do you have a favourite writer?
hlovate.. syud... stephanie meyer?? darren shan... naa?
30] Any books you really enjoy?
harry potter... darren shan...
31] Do you write fanfics?
32] Any music that you often listen to while drawing?
i listen 2 anything dat suit my ear...
33] Any recommended songs?
breakdown by seether?? fireflies by owl city???
34] Any websites that you totally admire?
deviantart ofcoz...
35] Do you have any sites you want to go everyday?
im totally lazy!! but blogie is ukie...
36] What is your dream site like?
lots of pretty drawings n comics...
37] Do you like your own art?
odcoz i do... but i'm always unsatisfird with 'em...
38] What do you enjoy watching on TV?
haha enggak taulaa...
39] Favourite celebrity?
40] Favourite color?
pink with black stripe, white is accepted!
41] Favourite food?
ape2 je yg aq ske...
42] Favourite drink?
43] Any places you like to shop at?
anywhere that sells a lot of comics & animes...
44] Can you cook?
a liltle...
45] Any programs you use often for email? Any electronic pets?
yahoo... nope...
46] Are you a computer expert?
nope... me computer baka...
47] Want to become a professional artist?
ofcoz... it's the dream of a lifetime...!!!!!
48] Any other jobs you're interested in, besides an illustrator?
well... i did want 2 b a fashion designer or sell cakez XDD
49] Any other specialities besides drawing?
50] Do you like to watch movies?
51] What's your favourite movie?
journey to the center of the earth... twilight... blablabla...
52] Have you ever entered art contests?
yep 2-3 timez je..
53] When did you start drawing seriously?
in highskool... after seeing many awesome art in DA XDDD
54] Anything that you often use as a reference when you draw?
i refer 2 a lot of comics n ppl art...
55] Have you met any of your fans online?
i have fans??
56] You have a lot of pen pals?
not really...
57] You have a lot of friends that draws?
in DA yep! in real life too liltle can count lol
58] What time do you usually go online?
whenever i want...
59] Do you like to go to chat rooms?
60] Do you have your own computer?
nope... bakal la kowtt...
61] What would you say to the person you admire?
just smiling like org gilak!
62] Do you think of things when you draw?
63] Have you drawn bad because you think too much?
yup... sometimes lol
64] Do you have any friends who are professionals?
yes... a number of 'em... ^^
65] Where do you often hang out?
haha idk??
66] Do you have any artists that you don't like too much?
nope kowt...
67] Situations in which you really don't like being online?
the internet stuck...
68] Situations in which you hate when it comes to having websites?
69] Something that makes you really glad that the internet exists?
when i meet a lot of people out there...
70] What about things that make you NOT glad that the internet exists?
when people r rude 2 me...
71]What's the first picture you've ever shown to the public online?
err in myspace..?
72] Do you still have that?
73] Has your drawing style changed a lot?
by the minute... i'm changing all the time...
74] How does it usually change?
it's comes naturally i guess... the more i draw the more i improve & change all the time...
75] Have you experienced artists block before?
yea... lots of times... & i hate it...!!!!!
76] How did you escape from it?
relax... stop drawing 4 a while...
77] What happens when you have artists block?
i sleep... watch animes...
78] Any artists that have influenced you a lot?
naoko takeuchi... she was my 1st sensei...
79] What made you start drawing?
i dunno... i juz like 2 draw since i was a lil' girl...
80] What made you want to get a website?
i want 2 share my arts with the people out there... but i don't have 1 though...
81] Where did your site name come from?
i don't have a webbie...
82] What do you think about net manners?
i don't like rude people...
83] Have you ever been spammed?
who hasn't...
84] Ever thought about quitting your webpage?
85] If so, why?
86] About how much KB is each picture?
i dunno... it varies i guess...
87] When creating your site, do you use a program or pure html?
i don't realy understand this question...
88] Do you have good eyesite?
i have terrible sight... my glasses have almost 500 power in the lefft eye... & 400 in right...
89] If you can get any person's autograph, who's would you get?
i don't realy collect autographs... but if i could get naoko sensei's autograph... i'd die & go 2 heaven...
90] What would you say to that artist when he/she autographs for you?
errr... thanx...?
91] Do you have fans of your art?
hmmm... i guess i do...
92] Do you like to draw on oekaki bbs?
errr... what's that...?
93] Are you good at art in school?
i was often scolded by my art teacher...
94] Did you take art lesson other than from school?
i only learned art until the age of 15... after that it's self taught...
95] Have you drawn a manga?
yes... but i only do short mangas 4 now...
96] What's your favourite phrase/quote?
97] Do you think your personality is different externally and internally?
i dunno... i think everyone has something that they want 2 hide from other people...
98] What's your goal now?
b more active in the comic scene now that i'm done with my studies...
99] What do you have to say to yourself?
nut'z... u gotta work harder...!!!!
100] Lastly, what do you have to say to everyone?
thanx 4 da support... !!!!!
1] What is your pen name?
nme pen aq ke??? haha... aq ske nme darldNife n nme aq sendiri...
kengkwn aq pggl aq mcm laa:zie/ziezie/hazirah/nenek???/pinky???
2]Where does your nickname came from?
darldNife.... i create it! yg lelain tuu ntahla...
3] Do you use PC or Mac?
i use PC ...
4] What software you use most often?
errr... i don't use softwares... i dunt have any.. haha
5] Do you use mouse, or tablet?
mouse... i want tablet!!!
6] The color you use most often is?
mostly my artz r in black & white... n sometimes colored with color pencil..
7] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?
8] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
ikut suke ati aq laa... as fast as i could..
9] Do you keep your rough drafts?
10] What kind of font do you use most often?
11] What's the dpi when you scan?
12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
listen 2 music...
13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
depends on my mood...
14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
any paper dat can be use!
15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
cincai je...
16] How long does it take to ink something?
depends on the pic laa...
17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?
hahaa... dlm mimpi jelaa...
18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
wat is doujinshi neway??
19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?
err no? bbk tu dikire ke??
20] Did it get published?
21] Who are your favorite artists?
motomi kyousuke... obata yuuki... kaoru... ben... juice.... n the awesome one..
22] What's your favourite Anime/Manga?
byk sgt laa...
23] Favourite Character?
ikuto.. yoite.. lelouch.. len... n blablabla... byk laa..
24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
sumer artis yg terer kat muke bmi nie!!
25] Do you buy books a lot?
ttoooo a lotttt~
26] Did you ever buy a book to inspire you to draw?
i buy comics/magazines 2 inspire me in drawing...
27] Any video games you enjoy?
err... i don't play video games... er.. sally spa dikire ke??
28] Any favourite characters from video games?
errr... do i know any video game charas...?
29] Do you have a favourite writer?
hlovate.. syud... stephanie meyer?? darren shan... naa?
30] Any books you really enjoy?
harry potter... darren shan...
31] Do you write fanfics?
32] Any music that you often listen to while drawing?
i listen 2 anything dat suit my ear...
33] Any recommended songs?
breakdown by seether?? fireflies by owl city???
34] Any websites that you totally admire?
deviantart ofcoz...
35] Do you have any sites you want to go everyday?
im totally lazy!! but blogie is ukie...
36] What is your dream site like?
lots of pretty drawings n comics...
37] Do you like your own art?
odcoz i do... but i'm always unsatisfird with 'em...
38] What do you enjoy watching on TV?
haha enggak taulaa...
39] Favourite celebrity?
40] Favourite color?
pink with black stripe, white is accepted!
41] Favourite food?
ape2 je yg aq ske...
42] Favourite drink?
43] Any places you like to shop at?
anywhere that sells a lot of comics & animes...
44] Can you cook?
a liltle...
45] Any programs you use often for email? Any electronic pets?
yahoo... nope...
46] Are you a computer expert?
nope... me computer baka...
47] Want to become a professional artist?
ofcoz... it's the dream of a lifetime...!!!!!
48] Any other jobs you're interested in, besides an illustrator?
well... i did want 2 b a fashion designer or sell cakez XDD
49] Any other specialities besides drawing?
50] Do you like to watch movies?
51] What's your favourite movie?
journey to the center of the earth... twilight... blablabla...
52] Have you ever entered art contests?
yep 2-3 timez je..
53] When did you start drawing seriously?
in highskool... after seeing many awesome art in DA XDDD
54] Anything that you often use as a reference when you draw?
i refer 2 a lot of comics n ppl art...
55] Have you met any of your fans online?
i have fans??
56] You have a lot of pen pals?
not really...
57] You have a lot of friends that draws?
in DA yep! in real life too liltle can count lol
58] What time do you usually go online?
whenever i want...
59] Do you like to go to chat rooms?
60] Do you have your own computer?
nope... bakal la kowtt...
61] What would you say to the person you admire?
just smiling like org gilak!
62] Do you think of things when you draw?
63] Have you drawn bad because you think too much?
yup... sometimes lol
64] Do you have any friends who are professionals?
yes... a number of 'em... ^^
65] Where do you often hang out?
haha idk??
66] Do you have any artists that you don't like too much?
nope kowt...
67] Situations in which you really don't like being online?
the internet stuck...
68] Situations in which you hate when it comes to having websites?
69] Something that makes you really glad that the internet exists?
when i meet a lot of people out there...
70] What about things that make you NOT glad that the internet exists?
when people r rude 2 me...
71]What's the first picture you've ever shown to the public online?
err in myspace..?
72] Do you still have that?
73] Has your drawing style changed a lot?
by the minute... i'm changing all the time...
74] How does it usually change?
it's comes naturally i guess... the more i draw the more i improve & change all the time...
75] Have you experienced artists block before?
yea... lots of times... & i hate it...!!!!!
76] How did you escape from it?
relax... stop drawing 4 a while...
77] What happens when you have artists block?
i sleep... watch animes...
78] Any artists that have influenced you a lot?
naoko takeuchi... she was my 1st sensei...
79] What made you start drawing?
i dunno... i juz like 2 draw since i was a lil' girl...
80] What made you want to get a website?
i want 2 share my arts with the people out there... but i don't have 1 though...
81] Where did your site name come from?
i don't have a webbie...
82] What do you think about net manners?
i don't like rude people...
83] Have you ever been spammed?
who hasn't...
84] Ever thought about quitting your webpage?
85] If so, why?
86] About how much KB is each picture?
i dunno... it varies i guess...
87] When creating your site, do you use a program or pure html?
i don't realy understand this question...
88] Do you have good eyesite?
i have terrible sight... my glasses have almost 500 power in the lefft eye... & 400 in right...
89] If you can get any person's autograph, who's would you get?
i don't realy collect autographs... but if i could get naoko sensei's autograph... i'd die & go 2 heaven...
90] What would you say to that artist when he/she autographs for you?
errr... thanx...?
91] Do you have fans of your art?
hmmm... i guess i do...
92] Do you like to draw on oekaki bbs?
errr... what's that...?
93] Are you good at art in school?
i was often scolded by my art teacher...
94] Did you take art lesson other than from school?
i only learned art until the age of 15... after that it's self taught...
95] Have you drawn a manga?
yes... but i only do short mangas 4 now...
96] What's your favourite phrase/quote?
97] Do you think your personality is different externally and internally?
i dunno... i think everyone has something that they want 2 hide from other people...
98] What's your goal now?
b more active in the comic scene now that i'm done with my studies...
99] What do you have to say to yourself?
nut'z... u gotta work harder...!!!!
100] Lastly, what do you have to say to everyone?
thanx 4 da support... !!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
...HapPiEyh EveNt...
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU DEAR SIS!!!" to nur hidayati
dsbbkn ari smalam tu istimewa... haha... dptla mkn mknn faveret aq.. PIZZA!!!XDD
syok gile!! tpi aq dpt mkn skit jee T-T huhu.. xpelaa dripd x cpt mkn lgsg..
yg x best nyer kek xde... aq nk kek strawberry tpi smpi skarg x nmpk pon btg idung nyerr huhu (kek ade idung kaa???)
dgr khabar angin mlm nie nk mkn kat luar huyahh!!! XDD dh lme x outing niee...
errr... bru 2 hari lps aq kuar skn... pgi kdii pastu pi pasar mlm... mmg pnat yg amatlaa... mau tercbut kaki2 kuwhh iniee...
huhu... beethoven virus dh abess.. T-T ending die mmg x memuaskn ati jiwa raga bakul btoll!! aq x puas ati... ending dier "cenggitu je ke??"!! bosannn... tpi xpelaa... happy endingla knn.. akhirnya citer yg 'kejam' dan 'menyakitkan ati' tu abis gak...
nsib baek smalm x jdik nk mkn kat luar.. kalo x melepslaa nk tgk.. XDD
dsbbkn ari smalam tu istimewa... haha... dptla mkn mknn faveret aq.. PIZZA!!!XDD
syok gile!! tpi aq dpt mkn skit jee T-T huhu.. xpelaa dripd x cpt mkn lgsg..
yg x best nyer kek xde... aq nk kek strawberry tpi smpi skarg x nmpk pon btg idung nyerr huhu (kek ade idung kaa???)
dgr khabar angin mlm nie nk mkn kat luar huyahh!!! XDD dh lme x outing niee...
errr... bru 2 hari lps aq kuar skn... pgi kdii pastu pi pasar mlm... mmg pnat yg amatlaa... mau tercbut kaki2 kuwhh iniee...
huhu... beethoven virus dh abess.. T-T ending die mmg x memuaskn ati jiwa raga bakul btoll!! aq x puas ati... ending dier "cenggitu je ke??"!! bosannn... tpi xpelaa... happy endingla knn.. akhirnya citer yg 'kejam' dan 'menyakitkan ati' tu abis gak...
nsib baek smalm x jdik nk mkn kat luar.. kalo x melepslaa nk tgk.. XDD
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
---> PLOT <---
Toradora!'s story begins with the male protagonist Ryūji Takasu who is frustrated at trying to look his best as he enters his second year of high school. Despite his gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent, so he is utterly hopeless about his chances of getting a girlfriend anytime soon, and does not have many close friends either. After being greeted by his hungover mother in the morning, Ryūji goes to school and is happy to find that he gets to be in the same class with his best friend Yūsaku Kitamura and a girl he has a crush on, Minori Kushieda. However, it is then that he unexpectedly knocks into "the school's most dangerous animal of the highest risk level"—Taiga Aisaka—who just happens to also be in his class, and is a good friend of Minori.
Taiga has a negative attitude towards others and will not hesitate to snap at people. After meeting Ryūji, she takes an instant dislike of him. Taiga comes from a rich family, but she has moved out to live on her own due to family issues. She is coincidentally living in an apartment next to Ryūji's. When Ryūji discovers that Taiga has a crush on Yūsaku, and Taiga finds out about Ryūji's affections towards Minori, Ryūji suggests that they cooperate to win the objects of their affections. Taiga exploits the fact that Ryūji will do anything to get closer to Minori. She makes him her personal servant, getting him to do all her household chores (cooking and cleaning). Taiga spends a lot of her time over at his house, so much that she could almost be considered a member of his family. Since Ryūji spends a lot of time with Taiga, he has opened up to her world and to a side of her that most people do not see. The two also try to help each other improve the way people view them. However people they know from school start to become curious about their strange relationship and rumors begin to spread about them behind their backs. Ryūji and Taiga start getting along more and end up together at the end of the series.

Toradora!'s story begins with the male protagonist Ryūji Takasu who is frustrated at trying to look his best as he enters his second year of high school. Despite his gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent, so he is utterly hopeless about his chances of getting a girlfriend anytime soon, and does not have many close friends either. After being greeted by his hungover mother in the morning, Ryūji goes to school and is happy to find that he gets to be in the same class with his best friend Yūsaku Kitamura and a girl he has a crush on, Minori Kushieda. However, it is then that he unexpectedly knocks into "the school's most dangerous animal of the highest risk level"—Taiga Aisaka—who just happens to also be in his class, and is a good friend of Minori.
Taiga has a negative attitude towards others and will not hesitate to snap at people. After meeting Ryūji, she takes an instant dislike of him. Taiga comes from a rich family, but she has moved out to live on her own due to family issues. She is coincidentally living in an apartment next to Ryūji's. When Ryūji discovers that Taiga has a crush on Yūsaku, and Taiga finds out about Ryūji's affections towards Minori, Ryūji suggests that they cooperate to win the objects of their affections. Taiga exploits the fact that Ryūji will do anything to get closer to Minori. She makes him her personal servant, getting him to do all her household chores (cooking and cleaning). Taiga spends a lot of her time over at his house, so much that she could almost be considered a member of his family. Since Ryūji spends a lot of time with Taiga, he has opened up to her world and to a side of her that most people do not see. The two also try to help each other improve the way people view them. However people they know from school start to become curious about their strange relationship and rumors begin to spread about them behind their backs. Ryūji and Taiga start getting along more and end up together at the end of the series.

BamBoO bLadE: ePisOdE 2

2. "The Blade Bravers and Boxed Lunch"
"Burēdo Bureibā to Obentō" (ブレードブレイバーとお弁当)
When Tamaki was a child, she was very interested in a super hero cartoon. In the present time, she prepares to face off against Toyama. Kirino apologizes to her, because she does not have a suit that fits her, but Tamaki claims to be fine. Kirino explains that Toyama always acts in this bullying way, as he threatens everyone in the club. In other places, Yuji tells Ishida about a time in his childhood where Tamaki saved him from a group of bullies. Tamaki quickly strikes Toyama, but he does not stop the match. He is not interested in a kendo match at all, and only wants to cause hurt to others. Tamaki obviously has more skill than he does, but she is hindered by the loose clothes she is wearing. Toyama also constantly breaks rules. Tamaki remembers a technique that she was taught long ago, one that she could only use after reaching High School. She uses this technique to give Toyama a humiliating defeat, as the club cheers her on.
The next day, Tamaki reveals to her guardian that she has joined the kendo club. Ishida gets food from his students at lunch time, and the rest of the club gathers to eat together. They find that Tamaki has only brought rice, which she quickly eats by herself. Seeing this, they all attempt to feed her their food. The group discusses their experiences from Middle School, and find that Yuji was at the top of his class. When they ask Tamaki, they find that she had not joined any clubs. Ishida finds that he still doesn’t have enough members for his team, as a teacher named Iwasa comes in to wish him luck. The kendo club’s activities go on with various levels of success, and Ishida decides to challenge Tamaki. This ends quickly with Ishida’s loss, giving him a fairly big loss in pride. This isn’t enough to make him despair, however, so he goes right back in to do his best. Tamaki purchases different foods that night, and tells her parents that she will be making sandwiches to share with her new friends the next day.

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